You may have been invited to take part in a consultation exercise about your concerns around Covid-19 and United Welsh’s services. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with a member of United Welsh staff if you would like to. Please ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.
What will happen to me if I take part?
You will be asked to complete a survey about your concerns during the Covid-19 pandemic and how United Welsh should operate in the current climate. The feedback you provide will be analysed and recorded alongside other surveys that were completed by tenants living in United Welsh accommodation as part of this exercise.
The feedback will collectively help the United Welsh Group to gather information about our tenants’ opinion of their involvement in decision making. This will help us to focus on potential areas of improvement in future.
Why have I been chosen?
You are being invited to take part because you are a United Welsh tenant.
Do I have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. Your relationship with United Welsh will not be affected in any way whatsoever if you do or do not take part. In addition, if you change your mind about taking part afterwards, you can also withdraw what you have said up until the point at which we have started to analyse the findings. This is because it becomes very difficult to separate everything out from then onwards.
What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?
There should be no risk from taking part in this survey.
What are the possible benefits of taking part?
You will be making a valued contribution to the development of knowledge in this field. As a thank you, you will also be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win one of four Android tablets. Taking part will not affect the circumstances of your tenancy.
Will my taking part in this survey be kept confidential?
All information which is collected about you and your views will be kept strictly confidential. We store all information in a secure place in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. If you would like more information about this piece of work, please contact Joe Frampton, Community Investment Team Lead on 07920 077884 /